Every year, the Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival solicits a local artist to create a print for us. Our artist for 2024 is Gretchen Alexander.

Gretchen Alexander draws on over twenty years as a river ecologist to inspire her art. Primarily working in acrylics and watercolor, her work ranges from impressionistic to conceptual with the common thread of exploring the interconnectedness of the natural world. As an avid explorer of the outdoors, she enjoys allowing her every-day observations guide her in her artistic process. She paints in her home studio and the outdoors full-time.
Gretchen grew up surrounded by the artwork of her grandfather, renowned New England landscape painter Emile A. Gruppe, and undoubtedly this has had an influence on her artistic interests and style. However, her educational background in aquatic ecology also has a strong influence and drives her interest in the intersection of science and the arts, often coming through in her more conceptual and illustrative pieces that aim to convey ideas around natural processes and scales of life. You can find more of Gretchen’s work on her website: www.gretchenalexanderart.com