Festival Schedule

It's still just a little too early to have an accurate schedule for the 2024 Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival. The schedule listed below is from 2023, but it will give you a sense of how the day unfolds. We are not aware of any major changes for 2024 as of yet...but we adjust until the last week to accommodate our participating teams.

2023 Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival Schedule


Coffee and bagels for sale at DHVT Breakfast Bar


Community Team Check-in begins at Registration Tent


Welcome. National Anthem sung by Dean King. Acknowledgement of sponsors.


Pick Your Prize Raffle opens. Team Photo Booth opens.


Zumba Crew warms up racers - get ready to dance

~ 8:30am

First Round races begin for BCS, Sport, and Community Teams


Food Court Opens


Community Quarter Final Races begin


50-50 Raffle Closes - Winner announced before Flower Ceremony


BCS Final Round Races


Breast Cancer Survivor Flower Ceremony with vocal tribute by Bonnie Jean Aharonian 


Splash for Cash Dash Victory Paddle


Spirit Awards announcement


Community Team Racing Resumes


Main Tent Opens for Refreshments (valid ID required).


Second round of Sport Teams begin


Live Entertainment by Zach Rhoads under the Main Tent


Community Semi Final Round begins


Sport Division Final Races begin

~ 2:30pm

Community Final Round begins--ending with the Champ Cup Race at about 3:00pm

~ 3:15pm

Award Ceremonies