Help raise funds for breast cancer patients and survivors!

This grateful breast cancer survivor is paddling with the awesome Beta Motor Boaters!


In August 2022, I was healing from chemo and a double mastectomy, just about a year since I'd discovered a lump in my breast. In Auguest 2023 I paddled in the Dragonheart race for the first time and I was just so happy to be able to use my arms! This year, during practice, I felt STRONG.

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I never thought I'D be a statistic: one of the "one-in-eight" women with breast cancer. I'll never know why or how the tumors grew in my body but I do know that I rose to the challenge and beat them back.  It's now part of my identity, but it doesn't define me.  I am extremely gratefull for the support of so many in the Vermont community and participating in this fuestival is one way I can both give back AND affirm my health. I want to make sure that other folks healing from cancer have resources and know they are surrounded by a community that cares, too.colorful.jpg

Please help me support Dragonheart Vermont by making a donation through my page. Any amount is appreciated and makes a difference! The process is fast, easy and secure. 

Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating to the Dragonheart mission of supporting breast cancer survivors and cancer support networks in our community!






of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Amy Wenger In honor of our wonderful, beautiful, and magical, Beth! Last month $50.00
  • Benjamin Lipton In honor of Beth Liberman and her big, beautiful heart! Last month $100.00
  • Rebecca Tiger Last month
  • Patti Rubin Last month $56.70
  • Benjamin Lipton In honor of Beth Liberman and her big, beautiful heart! Last month $100.00
  • Patti Rubin Last month $56.70
  • Amy Wenger In honor of our wonderful, beautiful, and magical, Beth! Last month $50.00